Friday, September 25, 2009

I did it!

I did it!!! I am now officially a ceritfied paralegal! This is not only exciting for me because it is a great accomplishment that I spent 2 years working very hard at, but it is a big deal because had it not been for my enrolling in my local university's paralegal certificate program, I would never have decided to pursue my bachelors, much less work toward law school. So kudos to me and kudos to all of you that are working toward your goals!


  1. Congratulations! That's an excellent achievement. I'm excited that you're back - I thought you had kicked the blogging bucket.

  2. Thanks! I'm back . . . things have been busy. And to be honest (this is silly, I know) I was so happy with my lengthy post about tips for legal assocs and law students that I was afraid I could not trump that. I wish there was a way I could keep that post at the top of my thread. If there is, let me know!
